
GeneType Breast Cancer Prediction Test

+ FREE Genetic Counsellor Session

Introducing the Premier Home Test Kit for genetic risk assessment:

Determine your personal likelihood of developing breast cancer over the next 5 years & lifetime with a combined clinical & genetic risk assessment test derived from up to 200 genetic markers, including all racial variables for disease.

All with a simple, easy-to-use cheek swab from the comfort of your home.

Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $149.00.

Breast Cancer + Ovarian Cancer Prediction Tests Bundle
$598.00  $199.00 (Only $50 more)
Breast Cancer + Melanoma Prediction Tests Bundle
$598.00  $199.00 (Only $50 more)
Breast CancerOvarian Cancer + Melanoma Prediction Tests Bundle
$879.00  $249.00 (Only $100 more)

You Will Receive a
Clear, Easy To Understand Report

And a Personal, one-on-one appointment with

GeneType’s Genetic Counselors

That's a cutting-edge lab test & a visit to a specialist

All for $149

Your results will tell you, based on genetics and other risk factors, your risk for developing sporadic breast cancer over two different time periods: in the next 5 years and in your remaining lifetime.

You and your healthcare provider can use this information to develop a personalized screening and risk reduction plan.

GeneType for Breast Cancer is available for women of all backgrounds. The risk model incorporates ethnicity-specific polygenic risk scores and ethnic-specific population incidence data derived from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program (SEER).

No! This risk assessment is for women either do not qualify for hereditary testing OR who have already tested negative for hereditary pathogenic variants (aka mutations) in genes like BRCA1/2. The majority of women will not be carriers of these types of hereditary mutations, but will still be at risk of developing breast cancer. geneType helps to better identify the women that are at risk of “flying under the radar.” To understand your risk of developing sporadic (non-hereditary) breast cancer, geneType can help.



1 in 8 women develop breast cancer over their lifetime – and most have no significant family history of the disease.
Take charge. Know your risk. Learn if you have more options to reduce your risk.
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